发布人:吴波  发布时间:2017-11-10   浏览次数:1974

1. 个人简介:

金越 博士, 副教授





2013-至今,上海师范大学 副教授

2013-2017,中科院植生所 博士后

2. 主要研究方向:


[2] G蛋白信号途径的研究

3. 代表性科研项目:

[1] DMI3/IPD3-DELLA-NSP1/NSP2蛋白复合体调控根瘤共生分子机制的研究,国家自然青年基金(面上项目),2018-2020

[2] DMI3-IPD3-NSP4复合体在根瘤共生信号转导中的功能研究,中 国 博 士 后 科 学 基 金(面上项目),2015-2017

4. 代表性论文著作:


[1]  Yue Jin, Huan Liu, Dexian Luo, Nan Yu, Wentao Dong, Chao Wang, Xiaowei Zhang, Huiling Dai, Jun Yang and Ertao Wang*. DELLA proteins are a missing link in the common symbiotic signaling pathway required for rhizobial and mycorrhizal symbioses. Nature Communication, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12433, These authors contributed equally to this work

[2]  Yue Jin, HongXing Yang, Zheng Wei, Hong Ma and Xiaochun Ge*. Rice male development under drought stress: phenotypic changes and stage-dependent transcriptomic reprogramming. Mol Plant, 6:1630-1645, 2013, These authors contributed equally to this work

[3]  Fang Chang, Zaibao Zhang, Yue Jin and Hong Ma*. Cell biological analyses of anther morphogenesis and pollen viability in Arabidopsis and rice. Methods Mol Biol, 1110:203-216, 2014

[4]  Nan Yu, Dexian Luo, Xiaowei Zhang, Junzhong Liu, Wanxiao Wang, Yue Jin, Wentao Dong, Jiyun Liu, Huan Liu, Weibin Yang, Longjun Zeng, Qun Li, Zuhua He, Giles E D Oldroyd, and Ertao Wang*. A DELLA protein complex controls the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in plants. Cell Research, 24:130-133, 2014.
