1. 个人简介:
孟祥宗:博士,教授,生物化学与分子生物学专业,博士生导师。主要以拟南芥和番茄为材料研究植物免疫信号传导通路和抗病分子机制,揭示了植物中多个重要蛋白激酶介导植物免疫信号传导及调控植物抗病性的机理机制。在Plant Cell、Current Biology、Trends in Plant Science等主流学术期刊发表论文40余篇,所发表论文被引用4800余次。2021年获“卫志明青年创新奖”。目前担任上海师范大学生命科学学院副院长、上海市植物分子科学重点实验室主任,并兼任中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会常务理事、上海市植物生理与植物分子生物学学会副秘书长、上海市生物工程学会理事等职务。
2. 教学工作:
3. 主要研究方向:
4. 代表性科研项目:
5. 学术期刊兼职:
[1]空2023-至今:《Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions》Associate Editor
[2]空2022-至今:《Frontiers in Plant Science》Associate Editor
[3]空2022-至今:《Genes》Section Editor
6. 代表性论文:
通讯作者论文(# corresponding author)
[1]空Wang X, Yu W, Yuan Q, Chen X, He Y, Zhou J, Xun Q, Wang G, Li J, Meng X#.The pathogen-induced peptide CEP14 is perceived by the receptor-like kinase CEPR2 to promote systemic disease resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 2024, https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiae549.
[2]空Zhou J#, He Y, Meng X#. Phosphorylation of CAX transporters controls Ca2+ homeostasis.
Plant Communications 2024, 5(9):101042.
[3]空Wang X, Meng X#. Rapid Identification of Peptide-Receptor-Coreceptor Complexes in Protoplasts.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2024, 2731:241-251.
[4]空He Y*, He X*, Wang X, Hao M, Gao J, Wang Y, Yang ZN, Meng X#. An EPFL peptide signaling pathway promotes stamen elongation via enhancing filament cell proliferation to ensure successful self-pollination in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 2023, 238(3):1045-1058.
[5]空He Y, Meng X#. Dual function of the CHS3-CSA1 immune receptor pair. Trends in Plant Science 2023, 28(4):375-378.
[6]空Zhou J, Mu Q, Wang X, Zhang J, Yu H, Huang T, He Y, Dai S, Meng X#. Multilayered synergistic regulation of phytoalexin biosynthesis by ethylene, jasmonate, and MAPK signaling pathways in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 2022, 34(8): 3066-3087.
[7]空Wang X, Meng H, Tang Y, Zhang Y, He Y, Zhou J, Meng X#. Phosphorylation of an ethylene response factor by MPK3/MPK6 mediates negative feedback regulation of pathogen-induced ethylene biosynthesis in Arabidopsis.
Journal of Genetics and Genomics 2022, 49(8): 810-822.
[8]空Wang X, Zhang N, Zhang L, He Y, Cai C, Zhou J, Li J, Meng X#. Perception of the pathogen-induced peptide RGF7 by the receptor-like kinases RGI4 and RGI5 triggers innate immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 2021, 230(3): 1110-1125.
[9]空Zhou J, Wang X, He Y, Sang T, Wang P, Dai S, Zhang S, Meng X#. Differential Phosphorylation of the Transcription Factor WRKY33 by the Protein Kinases CPK5/CPK6 and MPK3/MPK6 Cooperatively Regulates Camalexin Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 2020, 32(8): 2621-2638.
[10]空He Y, Meng X#. MAPK signaling: emerging roles in lateral root formation. Trends in Plant Science 2020, 25(2): 126-129.
[11]空He Y, Xu J, Wang X, He X, Wang Y, Zhou J, Zhang S, Meng X#. The Arabidopsis Pleiotropic Drug Resistance Transporters PEN3 and PDR12 Mediate Camalexin Secretion for Resistance to Botrytis cinerea. Plant Cell 2019, 31(9): 2206-2222.
[12]空He Y, Zhou J, Meng X#. Phosphoregulation of Ca2+ Influx in Plant Immunity. Trends in Plant Science 2019, 24(12): 1067-1069.
[13]空He Y, Zhou J, Shan L#, Meng X#. Plant cell surface receptor-mediated signaling: a common theme amid diversity. Journal of Cell Science 2018, 131(2): jcs209353.
第一作者论文(* co-first author)
[1]空Meng X, Zhou J, Tang J, Li B, de Oliveira MV, Chai J, He P, Shan L#. Ligand-Induced Receptor-like Kinase Complex Regulates Floral Organ Abscission in Arabidopsis. Cell Reports 2016, 14(6): 1330-1338.
[2]空Li B*, Meng X*, Shan L, He P#. Transcriptional Regulation of Pattern-Triggered Immunity in Plants.
Cell Host & Microbe 2016, 19(5): 641-650.
[3]空Meng X, Chen X, Mang H, Liu C, Yu X, Gao X, Torii KU, He P#, Shan L#. Differential function of Arabidopsis SERK family receptor-like kinases in stomatal patterning. Current Biology 2015, 25(18): 2361-2372.
[4]空Meng X, Shan L, He P#. Stack Heterotrimeric G Proteins and MAPK Cascades on a RACK. Molecular Plant 2015, 8(12): 1691-1693.
[5]空Meng X*, Xu J*, He Y, Yang KY, Mordorski B, Liu Y, Zhang S#. Phosphorylation of an ERF Transcription Factor by Arabidopsis MPK3/MPK6 Regulates Plant Defense Gene Induction and Fungal Resistance. Plant Cell 2013, 25(3): 1126-1142.
[6]空Meng X, Zhang S#. MAPK cascades in plant disease resistance signaling. Annual Review of Phytopathology 2013, 51: 245-266.
[7]空Meng X, Wang H, He Y, Liu Y, Walker JC, Torii KU, Zhang S#. A MAPK cascade downstream of ERECTA receptor-like protein kinase regulates Arabidopsis inflorescence architecture by promoting localized cell proliferation.Plant Cell 2012, 24(12): 4948-4960.
[8]空Li G*, Meng X*, Wang R*, Mao G, Han L, Liu Y, Zhang S#. Dual-level regulation of ACC synthase activity by MPK3/MPK6 cascade and its downstream WRKY transcription factor during ethylene induction in Arabidopsis.
PLoS Genetics 2012, 8(6): e1002767.
[9]空Meng X, Xu Z, Song R#. Molecular cloning and characterization of a vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase from Dunaliella viridis. Molecular Biology Reports 2011, 38(5): 3375-3382.
[10]空Meng X, Huang B, Zhou L, He Y, Chen Q, Yuan Y, Xu Z, Song R#. Construction of a Coix BAC library and isolation of the 22 kDa α-coixin gene cluster. Genome 2010, 53(9): 667-674.
[11]空Sun X*, Meng X*, Xu Z, Song R#. Expression of the 26S proteasome subunit RPN10 is upregulated by salt stress in Dunaliella viridis. Journal of Plant Physiology 2010, 167(12): 1003-1008.
[12]空He Y*,Meng X*, Fan Q, Sun X, Xu Z, Song R#. Cloning and characterization of two novel chloroplastic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenases from Dunaliella viridis. Plant Molecular Biology 2009, 71(1-2): 193-205.
[1]空Zhong Q, Yu J, Wu Y, Yao X, Mao C, Meng X, Ming F#. Rice transcription factor OsNAC2 maintains the homeostasis of immune responses to bacterial blight.Plant Physiology 2024, 195(1):785-798.
[2]空Bi W, Liu J, Li Y, He Z, Chen Y, Zhao T, Liang X, Wang X, Meng X, Dou D#, Xu G#. CRISPR/Cas9-guided editing of a novel susceptibility gene in potato improves Phytophthora resistance without growth penalty.Plant Biotechnology Journal 2024, 22(1):4-6.
[3]空Xu G#, Meng X, Dou D#. Differential Ubiquitination of BIK1 Fine-Tunes Plant Immunity.
Trends in Plant Science 2021, 26(1): 2-4.
[4]空Zhou J, Wang P, Claus LAN, Savatin DV, Xu G, Wu S, Meng X, Russinova E, He P, Shan L#. Proteolytic processing of SERK3/BAK1 regulates plant immunity, development and cell death. Plant Physiology 2019, 180(1): 543-558.
[5]空Zhou J, Liu D, Wang P, Ma X, Lin W, Chen S, Mishev K, Lu D, Kumar R, Vanhoutte I, Meng X, He P, Russinova E, Shan L#. Regulation of Arabidopsis brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 endocytosis and degradation by plant U-box PUB12/PUB13-mediated ubiquitination. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2018, 115(8): E1906-E1915.
[6]空Fan J, Bai P, Ning Y, Wang J, Shi X, Xiong Y, Zhang K, He F, Zhang C, Wang R, Meng X, Zhou J, Wang M, Shirsekar G, Park CH, Bellizzi M, Liu W, Jeon JS, Xia Y, Shan L, Wang GL#. The Monocot-Specific Receptor-like Kinase SDS2 Controls Cell Death and Immunity in Rice. Cell Host & Microbe 2018, 23(4): 498-510.
[7]空Mang H, Feng B, Hu Z, Boisson-Dernier A, Franck CM, Meng X, Huang Y, Zhou J, Xu G, Wang T, Shan L, He P#. Differential Regulation of Two-Tiered Plant Immunity and Sexual Reproduction by ANXUR Receptor-Like Kinases.
Plant Cell 2017, 29(12): 3140-3156.
[8]空Xu J, Meng J, Meng X, Zhao Y, Liu J, Sun T, Liu Y, Wang Q, Zhang S#. Pathogen-Responsive MPK3 and MPK6 Reprogram the Biosynthesis of Indole Glucosinolates and Their Derivatives in Arabidopsis Immunity. Plant Cell 2016, 28(5): 1144-1162.
[9]空de Oliveira MV, Xu G, Li B, de Souza Vespoli L, Meng X, Chen X, Yu X, de Souza SA, Intorne AC, de A Manhães AM, Musinsky AL, Koiwa H, de Souza Filho GA, Shan L#, He P#. Specific control of Arabidopsis BAK1/SERK4-regulated cell death by protein glycosylation. Nature Plants 2016, 2: 15218.
[10]空Guan R, Su J, Meng X, Li S, Liu Y, Xu J, Zhang S#. Multilayered Regulation of Ethylene Induction Plays a Positive Role in Arabidopsis Resistance against Pseudomonas syringae. Plant Physiology 2015, 169(1): 299-312.
[11]空Li F, Cheng C, Cui F, de Oliveira MV, Yu X, Meng X, Intorne AC, Babilonia , Li M, Li B, Chen S, Ma X, Xiao S, Zheng Y, Fei Z, Metz RP, Johnson CD, Koiwa H, Sun W, Li Z, de Souza Filho GA, Shan L#, He P#. Modulation of RNA polymerase II phosphorylation downstream of pathogen perception orchestrates plant immunity.Cell Host & Microbe 2014, 16(6): 748-758.
[12]空Guan Y, Meng X, Khanna R, LaMontagne E, Liu Y, Zhang S#. Phosphorylation of a WRKY transcription factor by MAPKs is required for pollen development and function in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genetics 2014, 10(5): e1004384.
[13]空Mao, G, Meng, X, Liu, Y, Zheng, Z, Chen, Z, Zhang, S#. Phosphorylation of a WRKY transcription factor by two pathogen-responsive MAPKs drives phytoalexin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 2011, 23(4): 1639-1653.
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