发布人:网站管理员  发布时间:2025-03-05   浏览次数:10

1. 个人简介:







2024-至今,上海师范大学 讲师

2. 主要研究方向:

[1] 水稻生长发育和逆境响应机制研究

[2] 植物基因编辑技术开发

[3] 基因编辑技术在水稻、花卉等植物中的应用

3. 代表性科研项目:

[1] 组蛋白去乙酰化酶OsHDA716介导OsbZIP46的去乙酰化调控水稻干旱胁迫响应的分子机制研究,国家自然科学基金(面上项目,32372079),2024-2027,主研

4. 代表性论文著作:


[1]SunY, XieZZ, Jin L, QinT, ZhanCH, HuangJL*.Histone deacetylase OsHDA716 represses rice cold tolerance by deacetylating OsbZIP46 to reduce its transactivation function and protein stability. The Plant Cell, 2024, 36(5): 1913-1936.

[2]SunY, GuXY, QuCF, Jin N, QinT, JinL, HuangJL*. OsPUB75-OsHDA716 mediates deactivation and degradation of OsbZIP46 to negatively regulate drought tolerance in rice. Plant Physiology, 2024, 197(1): kiae545.

[3] Wu YY#,SunY#, WangWM, XieZZ, ZhanCH, JinL, HuangJL*. OsJAZ10 negatively modulates the drought tolerance by integrating hormone signaling with systemic electrical activity in rice. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2024, 211: 108683.

[4] Xie ZZ, Sun Y, Zhan CH, Qu CF, Jin N, Gu XY, Huang JL*. The E3 ligase OsPUB33 controls rice grain size and weight by regulating the OsNAC120-BG1 module. The Plant Cell, 2024, 37(1):koae297.

[5]SunY, WuQ, XieZZ, HuangJL*. Transcription factor OsNAC016 negatively regulates phosphate-starvation response in rice. Plant Science, 2023, 329: 111618.

[6] Xie ZZ, Jin L, Sun Y, Zhan CH, Tang SQ, Qin T, Liu N, Huang JL*. OsNAC120 balances plant growth and drought tolerance by integrating the GA and ABA signaling in rice. Plant Communications, 2023, 5:100782.

[7] Yu B, Sun Y, Jin XK, Xie ZZ, Li XX, Huang JL*. Rice glutamate receptor-like channel OsGLR3.4 modulates the root tropism growth towards amino acids via plasma membrane depolarization and ROS generation. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2022, 205: 105146.
