发布人:网站管理员  发布时间:2017-11-10   浏览次数:6704

1. 个人简介:

赵国超博士,副教授。主要从事水稻重要农艺性状基因功能解析及分子育种。近年来,以第一作者(或共同第一作者)在Nature PlantsPlant PhysiologyJAFC等期刊上发表论文十余篇,参加培育水稻新品种()5个,主持上海市科委农业领域重点项目1项。(E-mail: zgc1983@shnu.edu.cn






2016-至今,上海师范大学 讲师

2. 主要研究方向:

[1] 水稻重要农艺性状基因功能解析



3. 代表性科研项目

[1] 分子标记辅助培育氮高效利用优质水稻新品系 (309-C-6103-19-040)上海市科委项目2019-2022

[2]膨胀素基因在水稻巨胚表型形成过程中的功能研究 (E-9103-00-003079)博士后基金项目2016-2018

4. 代表性论文:

[1]. Zhang, X#., Zhao, G.C#., Tan, Q., Yuan H., Natalie, B., Zhu L., Zhang,  D.B and Liang, W.Q*. (2020). Rice pollen aperture formation is regulated by the interplay between OsINP1 and OsDAF1[J]. Nature Plants. 6:394-403. (共同第一作者)

[2]. Zhao GC, Shi JX, Liang WQ, Xue FY, Luo Q, Zhu L, Qu QR, Chen MJ, Schreiber L and Zhang DB. (2015). Two ATP binding cassette g (abcg) transporters, OsABCG26 and OsABCG15, collaboratively regulate rice male reproduction [J].Plant Physiology. 169(3):2064-2079.

[3]. Zhao GC, Xie MX, Wang XC and Li JY*. (2017) Molecular mechanisms underlying γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) accumulation in giant embryo rice seeds[J]. Journal of Agriculture Food and Chemistry. 65: 4883−4889.

[4]. Zhao, GC., Zhang, YX., Sun, SY., Xie, MX., Hu, CY., Shi, YQ., Shi, JX and Li, JY*.(2019).Identification of the biochemical characteristics of developing giant embryo rice grains using non-targeted metabolomics[J]. Journal of Cereal Science. 85:70-76.

[5]. Zhou, X#., Zhao, GC#*., Sun, SY and Li, JY*. (2019). Antihypertensive effect of giant embryo brown rice and pre-germinated giant embryo brown rice on spontaneously hypertensive rats[J]. Food Science and Nutrition. 7:2888–2896. (共同第一作者兼共同通讯作者)

[6].Zhao GC, Xie MX, Yu FY, Hu, DM, Zhang T and Li JY*. (2017). Development of a new fragrant and good eating quality rice variety with stripe virus disease resistance by molecular marker-assisted gene pyramiding[J]. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 77(2): 221-227 .

[7]. Zhao GC, Shi J, Liang WQ and Zhang DB*. (2015). ATP binding cassette g (ABCG) transporters and plant male reproduction [J]. Plant Signaling & Behavior.1136764

[8].Zhao GC, Wang HY, Bai J, Li JY*. (2010). RNA expression analysis of rice glutelin multigene families [J]. Seed Science & Technology. 38: 96-103.

[9]. Moon S, Kim SR, Zhao GC, Yi J, Zhang DB and An GH*. (2013). Rice glycosyltransferase1 encodes a glycosyltransferase essential for pollen wall formation [J]. Plant Physiology.161(2): 663-675.
