发布人:网站管理员  发布时间:2017-11-10   浏览次数:7399

1. 个人简介:







2016-至今,上海师范大学 副研究员

2. 主要研究方向:

[1] 植物生殖发育调控机制

[2] 纳米材料对植物生长发育调控及应用

[3] 草莓分子育种(专硕方向)

3. 代表性科研项目:

 [1] 光和MYB33/65对拟南芥绒毡层发育的调控机制,2017-2020


4. 代表性论文著作:


[1]Xu, X.F., Qian, X.X., Wang, K.Q., Yu, Y.H., Guo, Y.Y., Zhao, X., Wang, B., Yang, N.Y., Huang, J.R., and Yang, Z.N.(2021). Slowing Development Facilitates Arabidopsis mgt Mutants to Accumulate Enough Magnesium for Pollen Formation and Fertility Restoration. Frontiers in plant science 11: 621338.

[2]Wang, K.Q., Yu, Y.H., Jia, X.L., Zhou, S.D., Zhang, F., Zhao, X., Zhai, M.Y., Gong, Y., Lu, J.Y., Guo, Y., Yang, N.Y., Wang, S., Xu, X.F.(通讯), and Yang, Z.N. (2021). Delayed callose degradation restores the fertility of multiple P/TGMS lines in Arabidopsis. J Integr Plant Biol.

[3]Wang, K., Zhao, X., Pang, C., Zhou, S., Qian, X., Tang, N., Yang, N., Xu, P., Xu, X.F.(通讯), and Gao, J. (2021). IMPERFECTIVE EXINE FORMATION (IEF) is required for exine formation and male fertility in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol Biol 105: 625-635.

[4] Xu, X.F., Wang, B., Feng, Y.F., Xue, J.S., Qian, X.X., Liu, S.Q., Zhou, J., Yu, Y.H., Yang, N.Y., Xu, P., and Yang, Z.N. (2019). AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR17 Directly Regulates MYB108 for Anther Dehiscence. Plant Physiol 181: 645-655.

[5] Liu, S.Q., Wang, B., Li, X.J., Pan, J.X., Qian, X.X., Yu, Y.H., Xu, P., Zhu, J., and Xu, X.F.(通讯)(2019). Lateral Organ Boundaries Domain 19 (LBD19) negative regulate callus formation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Tiss Org 137: 485-494.

[6]Sai, L., Liu, S., Qian, X., Yu, Y., and Xu, X.F.(通讯)(2018). Nontoxic fluorescent carbon nanodot serving as a light conversion material in plant for UV light utilization. Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces 169: 422-428.

[7]Wang, B., Xue, J.S., Yu, Y.H., Liu, S.Q., Zhang, J.X., Yao, X.Z., Liu, Z.X., Xu, X.F.(通讯)and Yang, Z.N. (2017). Fine regulation of ARF17 for anther development and pollen formation. BMC Plant Biol 17: 243.

[8] Xu, X.F., Wang, B., Lou, Y., Han, W.J., Lu, J.Y., Li, D.D., Li, L.G., Zhu, J., and Yang, Z.N. (2015). Magnesium Transporter 5 plays an important role in Mg transport for male gametophyte development in Arabidopsis. Plant J 84: 925-936.

[9]Jiang, F., Xu, X.F.(一作), Liu, H., and Zhu, J.(2015). DRM1 and DRM2 are involved in Arabidopsis callus formation. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 123: 221-228.

[10]Lou, Y., Xu, X.F.(一作), Zhu, J., Gu, J.N., Blackmore, S., and Yang, Z.N. (2014). The tapetal AHL family protein TEK determines nexine formation in the pollen wall. Nature communications 5: 3855.

[11]Gu, J.N., Zhu, J., Yu, Y., Teng, X.D., Lou, Y., Xu, X.F., Liu, J.L., and Yang, Z.N. (2014). DYT1 directly regulates the expression of TDF1 for tapetum development and pollen wall formation in Arabidopsis. Plant J 80: 1005-1013.

[12]Jia, Q.S., Zhu, J., Xu, X.F., Lou, Y., Zhang, Z.L., Zhang, Z.P., and Yang, Z.N.(2014). Arabidopsis AT-hook protein TEK positively regulates the expression of arabinogalactan proteins in controlling nexine layer formation in the pollen wall. Molecular plant.

[13]Chang, H.S., Zhang, C., Chang, Y.H., Zhu, J., Xu, X.F., Shi, Z.H., Zhang, X.L., Xu, L., Huang, H., Zhang, S., and Yang, Z.N.(2012). No primexine and plasma membrane undulation is essential for primexine deposition and plasma membrane undulation during microsporogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 158: 264-272.

[14]Zhu, J., Lou, Y., Xu, X.F., and Yang, Z.N. (2011). A genetic pathway for tapetum development and function in Arabidopsis. J Integr Plant Biol 53:892-900.
