1. 个人简介: 姚小贞博士,副研究员 教育经历: 2005-2010,博士,中国科学院 2001-2005,学士,浙江大学 工作经历: 2013-至今,上海师范大学 讲师,副研究员 2010-2013,复旦大学 博士后
2. 主要研究方向: [1] 拟南芥雄配子发育机制
3. 代表性科研项目: [1] YUCCA2和YUCCA6调控拟南芥雄配子第一次有丝分裂的机理研究,31401030,国家自然科学基金(青年项目),2015-2017。 [2]生长素响应因子(Auxin Response Factors)在拟南芥雄配子发育中的功能研究, 31970520, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020/01-2023/12。
4. 代表性论文: Yao Xiaozhen#; Chen Jilin# ; Zhou Jie# ; Yu Hanchuanzhi; Ge Chennan; Zhang Min; Gao Xiuhua; Dai Xinhua; Yang Zhong-Nan; Zhao Yunde*. An essential role for microRNA167 genes in maternal control of embryonic and seed development. Plant physiology, 2019, 180 (1): 453-464. (co-first author) Yao Xiaozhen; Tian Lei; Yang Jun; Zhao Yan Na; Zhu Ying Xiu; Dai Xinhua; Zhao Yunde* ; Yang Zhong Nan*. Auxin production in diploid microsporocytes is necessary and sufficient for early stages of pollen development, PLoS Genetics, 14 (5), 2018. (First author) Yao Xiaozhen#; Yang Huidan#; Zhu Yingxiu; Xue Jingshi; Wang Tianhua; Song Teng; Yang Zhongnan; Wang Shui*. The Canonical E2Fs Are Required for Germline Development in Arabidopsis, Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:638, 2018. (co-first author) Pinon Violaine #, Yao Xiaozhen #, Dong Aiwu, Shen Wen-Hui *. SDG2-mediated H3K4me3 is crucial for chromatin condensation and mitotic division during male gametogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant physiology, 2017,174 (2), 1205-1215.(co-first author) Yao Xiaozhen, Feng Haiyang, Yu Yu, Dong Aiwu, Shen Wen-Hui *. SDG2-mediated H3K4 methylation is required for proper Arabidopsis root growth and development. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(2): e56537. (First author) Yao Xiaozhen, Huang Hai, Xu Lin*. In situ detection of mature miRNAs in plants using LNA-modified DNA probes, Methods Mol Biol, 2012, 883, 143-154. (First author) Yao Xiaozhen*andShen Wen-Hui*.Crucial function of histone lysine methylation in plant reproduction, Chinese Sci Bull, (2011), 56: 3493-3499. (First author and co-corresponding author) Yao Xiaozhen, Wang Hua, Li Hong, Yuan Zhenhuan, Li Fupeng, Yang Li, HuangHai*. Two types of cis-acting elements control the abaxial epidermis-specific transcription of the MIR165a and MIR166a genes. FEBS Lett. (2009), 583:3711-3717. (First author) 姚小贞,丁炳杨*,金孝锋,杨旭,叶立新,Study on the niches of the main tree populations in Taxus wallichiana var. Chinensis communities in Fengyangshan mountain. Journal of ZheJiang University. 2006, Vol 32(5), P569-575 (in Chinese).(First author)
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