1. 个人简介:
朱骏 博士,教授,博士生导师 (zhujun78@shnu.edu.cn)。2010年毕业于上海交通大学获博士学位。主要从事植物生殖发育方向研究,研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表在Nature Plants、Nature Communications、Molecular Plant、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Journal、Plant Physiology、New Phytologist等国际期刊上,并参编英文专著一部。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划子课题等科研项目、入选上海市东方英才拔尖计划。曾获上海市自然科学三等奖。兼任上海市植物分子科学重点实验室副主任。
2. 主要研究方向:
3. 代表性科研项目:
2)水稻雄性核不育调控网络构建,国家重点研发计划项目子课题, 2022-2027。
4)温敏不育突变体(reversible male sterile)育性转换机制的研究,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),2018-2021。
4. 代表性论文:
1)Ma CK, Wang SH, Shi QS, Guo MD, Yang YM, Fu J, Chen X, Mao YC, Huang XH, Zhu J*, Yang ZN*. (2025). ATP-CITRATE LYASEB1 supplies materials for sporopollenin biosynthesis and microspore development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiaf044.
2)Wang YC+, Liu XL+, Zhang Z, Zhou L, Zhang YF, Zhu BS, Yang YM, Zhong X, Su ZX, Ma PY, Huang XH, Yang ZN*, Zhu J* (2025). The residual activity of fatty acyl-CoA reductase underlies thermo-sensitive genic male sterility in rice. Plant Cell Environ. 48(2):1273-1285.
3)Zhou L, Mao YC, Yang YM, Wang JJ, Zhong X, Han Y, Zhang YF, Shi QS, Huang XH, Meyers BC, Zhu J*, Yang ZN* (2024). Temperature and light reverse the fertility of rice P/TGMS line ostms19 via ROS homeostasis. Plant Biotechnol J. 22: 2020-2032.
4)Han Y, Jiang SZ, Zhong X, Chen X, Ma CK, Yang YM, Mao YC, Zhou SD, Zhou L, Zhang YF, Huang XH, Zhang H, Li LG, Zhu J*, Yang ZN* (2023). Low temperature compensates for defective tapetum initiation to restore the fertility of the novel TGMS line ostms15. Plant Biotechnol J. 21:1659-1670.
5) Zhang YF+, Li YL+, Zhong X, Wang JJ, Zhou L, Han Y, Li DD, Wang N, Huang XH, Zhu J*, Yang ZN* (2022). Mutation of glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase leads to thermosensitive genic male sterility in rice and Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnol J. 20:2023-2035.
6) Shi QS+, Lou Y+, Shen SY, Wang SH, Zhou L, Wang JJ, Liu XL, Xiong SX, Han Y, Zhou HS, Huang XH, Wang S, Zhu J*, Yang ZN* (2021). A cellular mechanism underlying the restoration of thermo/photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterility. Mol Plant. 14(12):2104-2114.
7) Han Y, Zhou SD, Fan JJ, Zhou L, Shi QS, Zhang YF, Liu XL, Chen X, Zhu J*, Yang ZN* (2021). OsMS188 Is a Key Regulator of Tapetum Development and Sporopollenin Synthesis in Rice. Rice 14(1):4.
8) Zhu J+, Lou Y+, Shi QS+, Zhang S+, Zhou WT, Yang J, Zhang C, Yao XZ, Xu T, Liu JL, Zhou L, Hou JQ, Wang JQ, Wang S, Huang XH, Yang ZN* (2020). Slowing development restores the fertility of thermo-sensitive male-sterile plant lines. Nat Plant. 6:360-367.
9) Li YL+, Zhang YF+, Li DD, Shi QS, Lou Y, Yang ZN, Zhu J* (2019). Acyl-CoA synthetases from Physcomitrella, rice and Arabidopsis: different substrate preferences but common regulation by MS188 in sporopollenin synthesis. Planta. 250(2):535-548.
10) Wang K, Guo ZL, Zhou WT, Zhang C, Zhang ZY, Lou Y, Xiong SX, Yao X, Fan JJ, Zhu J*, Yang ZN* (2018). The regulation of sporopollenin biosynthesis genes for rapid pollen wall formation. Plant Physiol. 178(1):283-294.
11) Shi QS, Wang KQ, Li YL, Zhou L, Xiong SX, Han Y, Zhang YF, Yang NY, Yang ZN, Zhu J* (2018). OsPKS1 is required for sexine layer formation, which shows functional conservation between rice and Arabidopsis. Plant Sci. 277:145-154.
12) Lou Y, Zhou HS, HanY, Zeng QY, Zhu J*, Yang, ZN* (2018). Positive regulation of AMS by TDF1 and the formation of a TDF1-AMS complex are required for anther development in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytol. 217(1):378-391.
13) Xiong SX, Lu JY, Lou Y, Teng XD, Gu JN, Zhang C, Shi QS, Yang ZN, Zhu J* (2016). The transcription factors MS188 and AMS form a complex to activate the expression of CYP703A2 for sporopollenin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 88(6):936-946.
14) Li YL, Li DD, Guo ZL, Shi QS, Xiong SX, Zhang C, Zhu J*, Yang ZN* (2016). OsACOS12, an orthologue of Arabidopsis acyl-CoA synthetase5, plays an important role in pollen exine formation and anther development in rice. BMC Plant Biol. 16(1):256.
15) Cai CF+, Zhu J+, Lou Y, Guo ZL, Xiong SX, Wang K, Yang ZN* (2015). The functional analysis of OsTDF1 reveals a conserved genetic pathway for tapetal development between rice and Arabidopsis. Sci Bull. 60(12): 1073-1082.
16) Gu JN+, Zhu J+, Yu Y, Teng XT, Lou Y, Xu XF, Liu JL, Yang ZN* (2014). DYT1 Directly Regulates the Expression of TDF1 for Tapetum Development and Pollen Wall Formation in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 80: 1005-1013.
17) Lou Y+, Xu XF+, Zhu J+, Gu JN, Blackmore S, Yang ZN* (2014). The tapetal AHL family protein TEK determines nexine formation in the pollen wall. Nat. Commun. 5:3855.
18) Li XC+, Zhu J+, Yang J, Zhang GR, Xing WF, Zhang S, Yang ZN* (2012). Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 6 (GPAT6) is important for tapetum development in Arabidopsis and plays multiple roles in plant fertility. Mol Plant. 5(1): 131-142.
19) Zhu J+, Lou Y+, Xu, XF, Yang ZN* (2011). A Genetic Pathway for Tapetum Development and Function in Arabidopsis. J Integr Plant Biol. 53(11): 892-900.
20) Zhu J, Zhang GQ, Chang YH, Li XC, Yang J, Huang XY, Yu QB, Chen H, Wu TL*, Yang ZN* (2010). AtMYB103 Is a Key Regulator for Several Pathways during Arabidopsis Anther Development. Sci China Life Sci,53(9):1112-1122.
21) Zhu J+, Chen H+, Li H, Gao JF, Jiang H, Wang C, Guan YF, Yang ZN* (2008). Defective in Tapetal development and function 1 is essential for anther development and tapetal function for microspore maturation in Arabidopsis. Plant J, 55(2):266-277.
22) Zhang ZB+, Zhu J+, Gao JF+, Wang C, Li H, Zhang HQ, Zhang S, Wang DM, Wang QX, Huang H, Xia HJ, Yang ZN* (2007). Transcription Factor AtMYB103 is Required for Anther Development by Regulating Microspore Release from Tetrads and Exine Formation in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 52 (3): 528-538.
5. 获奖情况:
1) 2017年度上海自然科学三等奖 (第二完成人)
2) 第十五届“挑战杯”上海市大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师
1) 创制光温敏不育系的方法及其在植物育种中的应用,杨仲南,朱骏,张森,周文涛,周鹊. 专利号:特许第6524252号,日本授权,授权日:2019.05.10。
2) 花粉发育相关的酰基辅酶A连接酶或其编码基因的用途及培育植物不育系的方法。杨仲南,朱骏,李月灵. 专利号:ZL 201510647957.X授权日:2020.09.11
3) 一种水稻光温敏不育体变体tms15及其应用。杨仲南,朱骏,韩煜. 专利号:ZL 202210081764.2. 授权日:2023.06.09。
4) RICE THERMO-SENSITIVE MALE STERILEGENE MUTANT TMS18 AND USES THEREOF 杨仲南,朱骏,李月灵,张艳飞. 专利号: US 11.761.017 B2. (美国授权),授权日:2023.09.19.