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1. 个人简介:







2020-09至今,上海师范大学 教授

2007-102008-12杜克大学生物系苔藓生物学实验室 访问学者

2004-092020-08,上海师范大学 副教授

2003-012005-01,复旦大学生物多样性研究所 博士后

2001-082004-08,上海师范大 讲师

2. 主要研究方向:

  1. 苔藓植物生态学

  2. 苔藓植物分子生物学

  3. 岛屿生物地理学

3. 代表性科研项目:

  1. 破碎化景观中苔藓的多样性:嵌套格局、形成机制及其保护策略,上海市自然科学基金,2021-2024

  2. 中国闽浙沿海岛屿苔藓植物多样性和生物地理学研究,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),2016-2019

  3. 观赏苔藓植物的筛选、扩繁技术及推广示范,上海市科委科技攻关重点项目,2011-2014

  4. 中国苔类植物孢子形态结构及系统演化意义的研究,国家自然科学基金(青年项目),2006-2008

  5. 中国苔类植物孢子结构及发育的研究,2002-2005

4. 代表性论文:

  1. Jing Yu#, Dandan Li#, Zeyou Zhang & Shuiliang Guo*. 2020. Species–area relationship and small-island effect of bryophytes on the Zhoushan Archipelago, China. Journal of Biogeography, 37(4): 13790.

  2. Jing Yu, Lin Shen, Dandan Li & Shuiliang Guo*. 2019. Determinants of bryophyte species richness on the Zhoushan Archipelago, China. Basic and Applied Ecology, 37, 38-50.

  3. Jing Yu, Lin Shen, Cheng Zang, Jinrong Cai & Shuiliang Guo*. 2019. Geographical, anthropogenic and climatic determinants of bryophyte species composition and richness in the Shengsi archipelago, East China Sea. Journal of Bryology, 41(2): 107-120.

  4. Jing Yu#, Dandan Li#, Yuxia Lou & Shuiliang Guo*. 2018. Nuclear DNA content variation of herbaceous angiosperm species on 10 global latitudinal transects. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 145(4): 340-352.

  5. Jing Yu, Shuiliang Guo* & Yuxia Lou. 2018. Three new synonyms of Macromitrium microstomum (Hook. & Grev.) Schwägr. (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae), with comments on its morphological variations. Journal of Bryology, 40(4): 324-332.

  6. Jing Yu, Dandan Li, Yan Li & Shuiliang Guo*. 2018. On taxonomic status of Macromitrium leptocarpum and M. subleptocarpum, with comments on M. sulcatum (Bryophytea, Orthotrichaceae). Phytotaxa, 361(3): 287-293.

  7. Jing Yu, Kien-Thai Yong & Shuiliang Guo*. 2014. Taxonomic notes on Macromitrium densum (Bryopsida) with a new synonym, M. brevissimum. Nordic Journal of Botany, 32: 437-440.

  8. Jing Yu, Shuiliang Guo*, Yahong Ma & Tong Cao. 2013. Macromitrium ousiense, a neglected Chinese moss species (Orthotrichaceae, Bryopsida) with new synonym and records. Nordic Journal of Botany, 31(3): 339-343.

  9. Jing Yu, Yahong Ma & Shuiliang Guo*. 2013. Modeling the geographic distribution of the epiphytic moss Macromitrium japonicum in China. Annuales Botanici Fennici, 50(1-2): 35-42.

  10. Jing Yu, Shuiliang Guo*, Yahong Ma & Tong Cao. 2012. Taxonomic and morphometric comments on Macromitrium tosae Besch. (Orthotrichaceae), with its four new synonyms. The Bryologist, 115(3): 388-401.

  11. Jing Yu, Devos Nicolas, Majestyk Piers & Shaw, A. Jonathan*. 2010. Intercontinentally disjunct species are derived rather than relictual in the moss genus Daltonia (Bryophyta). Taxon, 59(2): 459-465.


