1. 个人简介:
余庆波 博士,教授,生化与分子生物学专业硕士生导师
2005/09 - 2009/06,博士,中国科学院植物研究所
2002/09 - 2005/06,硕士,上海师范大学
1998/09 - 2002/06,学士,安徽淮北煤炭师范学院
2014/9 - 2022/8,上海师范大学,生命科学学院,副教授
2009/9 - 2014/12,上海师范大学,生命与环境科学学院,讲师
2. 主要研究方向:
3. 代表性科研项目:
[1] 拟南芥质体转录激活复合物组分pTAC6调控叶绿体基因表达的研究,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),2016-2019
[2] pTAC10参与调控拟南芥PEP依赖的叶绿体基因表达的分子机理研究,国家自然科学基金(青年基金),2012-2014
[3] 参与调控高等植物叶绿体发育基因AtECB1的克隆和功能研究,上海市自然科基金项目,2010-2013
(1) Xiong HB#, Pan HM#, Long QY#, Wang ZY, Qu WT, Mei T, Zhang N, Xu XF, Yang ZN*, Yu QB*. (2022) AtNusG, a chloroplast nucleoid protein of bacterial origin linking chloroplast transcriptional and translational machineries, is required for proper chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana.Nucleic Acids Res.50(12):6715-6734.
(2) Xiong HB, Wang J, Huang C, Rochaix JD, Lin FM, Zhang JX, Ye LS, Shi XH, Yu QB*, Yang ZN*. (2020) mTERF8, a Member of the Mitochondrial Transcription Termination Factor Family, Is Involved in the Transcription Termination of Chloroplast Gene psbJ. Plant Physiol.182(1): 408-423.
(3) Yu QB#, Zhao TT#, Ye LS, Cheng L, Wu YQ, Huang C, Yang ZN*. (2018) pTAC10, an S1-domain-containing component of the transcriptionally active chromosome complex, is essential for plastid gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana and is phosphorylated by chloroplast-targeted casein kinase II. Photosynth Res. 137(1): 69-83.
(4)Huang C#, Yu QB#, Li ZR, Ye LS, Xu L, Yang ZN*. (2017) Porphobilinogen deaminase HEMC interacts with the PPR-protein AtECB2 for chloroplast RNA editing. Plant J.92(4):546-556.
(5) Ye LS,Zhang Q, Pan H, Huang C, Yang ZN*, Yu QB*. (2017) EMB2738, which encodes a putative plastid-targeted GTP-binding protein, is essential for embryogenesis and chloroplast development in higher plants. Physiol Plant. 161: 414-430.