1. 个人简介:
[1] 上海市教委项目:“长江口浮游植物群落结构及其变化规律的研究” 2005~2007
[2] 国家自然科学基金项目:“水蕨受精作用及胚胎发育的研究” 2007~2009
[3] 上海市教委项目:“太平鳞毛蕨受精作用的细胞学机制”,2008~2009
[4] 国家自然科学基金项目:“蕨类植物受精孔的发生、功能及其演化意义”2010~2012
[5] 上海市教委重点项目:“石松类和蕨类植物有性生殖的细胞学机制及其进化”,2012~2014
[6] 上海市自然科学基金项目:“鳞毛蕨科3种植物黄酮成分的分离、鉴定及其生物活性研究”,2013-2016
[7] 上海市绿化和市容管理科学技术项目. 蕨类黄酮合成关键酶基因的克隆、功能及其对演化的指示意义. 2015-2017
[1]Chen JP, Dai XL, Jiang C, Fu YX,Jiang TJ, Tang LP, Wang LR, Wang QX, Huang GZ*, Cao JG*. 2021. One new protocatechuic acid methyl ester and oneenantiomeric pair of dihydroflavones isolated from Phymatopteris hastata. Phytochemistry Letters. 43 (2021) 130–134.
[2]Wei Z, Xia Z, Shu J, Shang H,Maxwell SJ, Chen L, Zhou X, Xi W, Adjie B, Yuan Q, Cao J* and Yan Y*. 2021.Phylogeny and Taxonomy on Cryptic Species of Forked Ferns of Asia. Front. PlantSci. 12:748562.
[3]Jiang C,Chen JP, Dai XL, Wang Q, Cao JG *, Huang GZ*. 2020. ent-Pimaradiene andcyathane diterpenes from Aleuritopteris albofusca. Phytochemistry Letters 40(2020) 10–14.
[4]Zhang S,Feng NP, Huang JW, Wang ML, Zhang L, Yu JJ, Dai XL, Cao JG *,Huang GZ *. 2020. Incorporation of Amino Moiety to Alepterolic AcidImprove Activity against Cancer Cell Lines: Synthesis and BiologicalEvaluation. Bioorganic Chemistry 98 (2020) 103756.
[5]Chen XF,Chen ZI, Huang WJ, Fu HH, Wang QX, Wang YF*, Cao JG*. 2019. Proteomicanalysis of gametophytic sex expression in the fern Ceratopteris thalictroides.PLOS ONE 14(8):e0221470.
[6]Zhang S, Liu Z, Hou XL, Cao JG*, Dai XL, YuJJ, Huang GZ* . 2019. Synthesis of Novel Analogs of Thieno[2,3-d]Pyrimidin-4(3H)-ones as Selective Inhibitorsof Cancer Cell Growth. Biomolecules2019, 9, 631.
[7]Dai XL, Bao JJ, Wang QX, Cao YC, CaoJG*. 2019. Ultrastructural Studies of Oogenesis in the FernDiplopterygium glaucum, American Fern Journal 109(1), 1-10.
[8]Li TY, Dai XL, Li YC, Huang GZ*and Cao JG*. 2019. One-step Separation and Purification of Four Phenolic Acidsfrom Stenoloma chusanum (L.) Ching byMedium-pressure Liquid Chromatography and High-speed Counter-currentChromatography, The Natural Products Journal. 9(2): 138 – 143.
[9]Zou HJ,Guo GH, Wang ML, Cao JG*, Huang GZ*. 2018. Isolation of Quinolone Alkaloidsfrom Tetradium ruticarpum via Preparative High-Speed Counter-CurrentChromatography and Evaluation of Their Binding Affinities for Bovine SerumAlbumin. Acta Chromatographica, 30(2018)2, 73–80.
[10]Wu SQ, Li J, Wang QX, Cao JG⁎, Yu H, Cao H, Xiao JB⁎. 2017. Chemicalcomposition, antioxidant and anti-tyrosinase activities of fractions from Stenoloma chusanum. Industrial Crops & Products. 107 (2017) 539–545.
[11]Wu SQ, Li J, Wang QX, Cao H, Cao JG⁎, Xiao JB⁎. 2017. Seasonal dynamics of thephytochemical constituents and bioactivities of extracts from Stenoloma chusanum (L.) Ching. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 108 (2017)458-466.
[12]Wang ML, Zou HJ, Chen QB, Cao JG∗, Aisa HA, Huang GZ∗. 2017.Isolation of new polyacetylenes from the roots of Eurycoma longifoliavia high-speed counter-current chromatography.Journal of Chromatography B, 1055(2017) 39–44.
[13]Cao JG, Dai XF, Dai XL, and Wang QX. 2016.Observations on fertilization and a novel cytological mechanism for preventingpolyspermy in the fern Osmunda japonica.Int. J. Plant Sci. 177(3):287–293.
[14]Cao JG., ZhengYX., Xia X., Wang QX., Xiao JB. 2015. Flavonoids contents, antioxidant andacetylcholinesterase inhibition activities of extracts from 15 ferns in China. Industrial Crops and Products, 75,135-140.
[15]Cao JG, Dai XL, Wang G And Wang QX. 2015. Ultrastructuraland cytochemical studies on oogenesis of the horsetail Equisetum arvense. IndianFern Journal. 32(2015)207-220.
[16]Xie YH,Zheng YX, Dai XL,Wang QX, Cao JG*, Xiao JB*. 2015.Seasonal dynamics oftotal flavonoids content and antioxidant activities of Dryopteris erythrosora,Foodchemistry,186(2015):113-118.
[17]Cao JG, Xia X, Dai XL, Wang QX, Xiao JB*.2014. Chemical composition and bioactivities of flavonoids-rich extract fromDavallia cylindrica Ching. EnvironToxicol Pharm. 37:571–579.
[18]Cao JG, Dai XL, Zou HM, Wang QX. 2014. Formationand development of rhizoids of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. J Torrey Bot Soc.141(2), 126–134
[19]Wang G,Dai X L, Wang QX, Cao JG*. 2014. Microstructural Observations on theDevelopment of Gametophytes and oogenesis in Equisetum arvense. Indian Fern J. 31:84-95.
[20]Cao JG, Xia X, Chen XF, Xiao JB, Wang QX. 2013. Characterization of flavonoidsfrom Dryopteris erythrosora and evaluation of their antioxidant, anticancer andacetylcholinesterase inhibition activities. Foodand Chemical Toxicology. 51: 242–250.
[21]Cao JG, Xia X, Dai XL, Xiao JB, Wang QX, Andrae-MarobelaK, Okatch H. 2013. Flavonoids profiles, antioxidant, acetylcholinesterase inhibitionactivities of extract from Dryoathyrium boryanum(Willd.) Ching. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 55: 121–128.
[22]Cao JG, Dai XL, Wang QX. 2012. Ultrastructural and cytochemical studies onoogenesis of the fern Pteridium aquilinum.Sex Plant Reprod. 25:147-156.
[23]Cao JG, Dai XF, Wang QX. 2012. Cytological features of oogenesis and their evolutionarysignificance in the fern Osmunda japonica.Sexual PlantReproduction.25:61-69.
[24]Cao JG, Dai XL, Wang QX. 2011. Archegonial development and oogenesis of the fern Plagiogyria euphlebia and theirphylogenetic significance. Americanfern journal.101: 231–240.
[25]Cao JG, Wang QX, Dai XL, Duckett JG. 2010. Ultrastructural observations of oogenesis in thefern Adiantum flabellulatum L. (Adiantaceae). Americanfern journal.100: 93–102.
[26]Cao JG, Wang QX,Yang NY, Bao WM. (2010) Cytological events during zygote formation of thefern Ceratopteris thalictroides. J. Integr. Plant Biol.52(3),254–264.
[27]Cao JG, Wang QX,Bao WM (2010) Formation of the fertilization pore during oogenesis of thefern Ceratopteris thalictroides. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 52(6), 518–527.
[28]Cao JG, YangNY, Wang Q X. 2009. Ultrastructure of the matureegg and fertilization in the fern Ceratopteristhalictroides (L.) Brongn. Journal of IntegrativePlant Biology 51:(3) 243-250.
4. 出版的著作目录
[1]包文美 曹建国 苔藓植物和蕨类植物的生殖发育(音像教材)2003,7 高等教育出版社
[2]曹建国 祖元刚 刺五加生活史型特征及其形成机制 2005,3 科学出版社
[3]包文美 曹建国 计晓春 蕨类植物的多样性(音像教材) 2005,6 高等教育出版社
[4]包文美 计晓春 曹建国 苔藓植物的多样性(音像教材) 2005,6 高等教育出版社
[5]曹建国 生物(显微)摄影及电子图版制作教程 2007,9 科学出版社
[6]王全喜 曹建国 刘妍钦娜 上海九段沙湿地自然保护区及其附近水域藻类图集 2008,9 北京科学出版社
[7]曹建国,戴锡玲,王全喜. 植物学实验指导. 北京:科学出版社,2012, 9.
[8]王全喜,张小平主编(曹建国等参编). 植物学(第二版). 北京:科学出版社,2012, 9.
[9]包文美曹建国. 植物系统学.2015.2 北京高等教育出版.
[10]Ramawat,Merillon, Shivanna主编(CAO Jian-Guo参编),Reproductive Biology of Plants.2014. CRC press,Taylor andFrancis Group
[11]包文美 曹建国. 植物系统学. 2015.2 北京 高等教育出版.
[12]戴锡玲 曹建国 王全喜. 植物学理论与实验学习指导.2016.2 北京 高等教育出版.
[13]曹建国 戴锡玲 王全喜. 食品生物资源学. 2020.12 北京科学出版社.