发布人:网站管理员  发布时间:2021-01-21   浏览次数:3416

1. 个人简介:









2016-2018,复旦大学, 博士后

2. 主要研究方向:


3. 代表性科研项目:

1) 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(31900207):拟南芥蓝光受体CRY1通过高蓝光诱导的蛋白降解负反馈调控其信号转导的分子机理研究。

4. 代表性论文及著作:

  1. Wang WX, Lu XD, Li L, Lian HL, Mao ZL, Xu PB, Guo TT, Xu F, Du SS, Cao XL, Wang S, Shen HY, and Yang HQ*. 2018. Photoexcited Cryptochrome 1 Interacts with Dephosphorylated BES1 to Regulate Brassinosteroid Signaling and Photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell,30, 1989-2005.

  2. Wang WX, Lian HL, Zhang LD, Mao ZL, Li XM, Xu F, Li L, and Yang HQ*. 2016. Transcriptome analyses reveal the involvement of both C and N termini of Cryptochrome 1 in its regulation of phytohormone-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis. Front. Plant Sci, 7, 294–308.

  3. He SB, Wang WX, Zhang, J.Y., Xu, F., Lian, H.L., Li, L., and Yang, H.Q*. 2015. The CNT1 domain of Arabidopsis CRY1 alone is sufficient to mediate blue light inhibition of hypocotyl elongation. Mol. Plant, 8, 822–825.

  4. Wu J, Wang WX, Xu PB, Pan J, Zhang T, Li Yang, Li GW, Yang HQ, and Lian HL*. 2018. phyB Interacts with BES1 to Regulate Brassinosteroid Signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol,60,353-366.

  5. Zhang T+, Xu PB+, Wang WX, Wang S, Caruana JC, Yang HQ, Lian HL*. 2018. Arabidopsis G-Protein β Subunit AGB1 Interacts with BES1 to Regulate Brassinosteroid Signaling and Cell Elongation. Front. Plant Sci, 8, 2225. 2018.