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1. 个人简介:

李丹丹 博士,副教授植物学专业硕士生导师






2022-至今,上海师范大学 副教授


2017-2019,南京林业大学 博士后

2. 主要研究方向:

[1] 苔藓植物分子系统学

[2] 苔藓植物分类学

[3] 苔藓植物生态学

3. 代表性科研项目:

[1] 世界木灵藓科(Orthotrichaceae)的性状演化和系统发育研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022-2024


4. 代表性论文:

Dandan Li#, Feng Zhang#, Guangyu Luo, Ting Zhang, Jinqiao Lv, Wenchao Wang, Jun Yang, Dejun You, Nanlong Xu, Shuiliang Guo*, Jing Yu*.2023. Taxon-dependent effects of dispersal limitation versus environmental filters on bryophyte assemblages―Multiple perspective studies in land-bridge islands. Ecology and Evolution, 13(2): e9844.

Dandan Li #, Guangyu Luo#, Shuiliang Guo*, Ruoling Huang, Jun Yang, Tong Cao, Jing Yu*. 2023. Nuclear DNA Amounts in Chinese Bryophytes Estimated by Flow Cytometry: Variation Patterns and Biological Significances. Plants, 12: 1564.

Dandan Li, Shuiliang Guo*, Hua Zhu, Jing Yu*. 2022. Quantifying and interpreting nestedness of bryophytes in the Zhoushan Archipelago, China. Cryptogamie Bryologie, 43(6): 107-121.

Dandan Li, Feng Zhang, Guangyu Luo, Hua Zhu, Shuiliang Guo*,Jing Yu*. 2022. Disentangling spatial and island shape effects on bryophyte distribution in the Zhoushan Archipelago, China. Folia Geobotanica, 57(2): 83-101.

Dandan Li, Zeyou Zhang, Shuiliang Guo*.2020.Two new synonyms of Macromitrium tosae (Orthotrichaceae) with a key to Indian species of Macromitrium. Phytotaxa, 474(3): 250-260.

Jing Yu#, Dandan Li #, Zeyou Zhang, Shuiliang Guo*. 2020.Species–area relationship and small-island effect of bryophytes on the Zhoushan Archipelago, China. Journal of Biogeography, 47(4): 978-992.

Dandan Li, Shuiliang Guo*, & Yanming Fang. 2019. Taxonomic notes on Macromitrium catharinense (Bryopsida) with its new synonyms. Nordic Journal of Botany, 37(6): 1-8.

Zeyou Zhang#, Dandan Li #, Jing Yu, Shuiliang Guo*.2019. Macromitrium maolanense Zeyou Zhang, DD Li, Jing Yu & SL Guo, a new species from China based on molecular and morphological evidence. Journal of Bryology, 41(3): 263-273.

Yueling Li#, Yanfei Zhang#, Dandan Li, Qiangsheng Shi, Yue Lou, Zhongnan Yang, Jun Zhu*. 2019. Acyl-CoA synthetases from Physcomitrella, rice and Arabidopsis: different substrate preferences but common regulation by MS188 in sporopollenin synthesis. Planta, 350: 535-548.

Jing Yu, Lin Shen, Dandan Li, Shuiliang Guo*. 2019. Determinants of bryophyte species richness on the Zhoushan Archipelago, China. Basic and Applied Ecology, 37: 38-50.

Dandan Li#, Jing Yu#, Lin Shen, Shuiliang Guo*. 2018. Predictive modelling of the distribution and evaluation of the conservation status with a taxonomic clarification of Macromitrium fortunatii Thér. (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta) in China and adjacent regions. Cryptogamie Bryologie, 39(4): 499-513.

Jing Yu#, Dandan Li #, Yuxia Lou, Shuiliang Guo*. 2018. Nuclear DNA content variation of herbaceous angiosperm species on 10 global latitudinal transects.Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 145(4): 340-352.

Jing Yu, Dandan Li, Yan Li, Shuiliang Guo*. 2018. On taxonomic status of Macromitrium leptocarpum and M. subleptocarpum, with comments on M. sulcatum (Bryophytea, Orthotrichaceae). Phytotaxa361(3): 287-293.

Dandan Li, Yongliang Lu, Shuiliang Guo*, Liping Yin, Ping Zhou, Yuxia Lou. 2017. Nuclear DNA contents of Echinchloa crus-galli and its Gaussian relationships with environments. Acta Oecologica79(1): 36-47.

Dandan Li, Jing Yu, Tong Cao, Shuiliang Guo*. 2017. Macromtrium longipapillosum sp. nov. (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae) from Japan, with comments on M. comatumNordic Journal of Botany35(6): 711-718.

Dandan Li #, Jingshi Xue#, Jun Zhu, Zhongnan Yang*. 2017. Gene regulatory network for tapetum development in Arabidopsis thalianaFrontiers in Plant Science8: 1559.

Yueling Li, Dandan Li, Zongli Guo, Qiangsheng Shi, Shuangxi Xiong, Cheng Zhang, Jun Zhu*, Zhongnan Yang*. 2016. OsACOS12, an orthologue of Arabidopsis acyl-CoA synthetase5, plays an important role in pollen exine formation and anther development in rice. BMC Plant Biology16(1): 256.

李丹丹, 于晶, 郭水良*,何思. 2013. 世界蓑藓属 (Macromitrium, Bryophyta) 植物分类修订与系统发育研究: 历史, 现状和问题. 植物研究, 33(6): 758-765.

李丹丹, 郭水良*, 于晶, 李莎, 曹同. 2013. 基于 4 个叶绿体基因识别蓑藓属 (Macromitrium) 植物的可行性研究植物科学学报31(1): 23-33.

郭水良, 于晶, 李丹丹, 周平, 方其, 印丽萍*. 2015. 长三角及邻近地区 138 种草本植物 DNA C-值测定及其生物学意义生态学报35(19): 6516-6529.

麻亚鸿, 李丹丹, 于晶, 郭水良*. 2013. 中国蓑藓属与木灵藓属分布式样与气候因子的关系生物多样性21(2): 177-184.
