1. 个人简介:
王娜博士,副研究员。主要从事植物温敏雄性不育和单倍体分子育种的研究。近5年来相关研究工作发表在Science Advances, Molecular Plant, PNAS等期刊上。(邮箱:nawang0001@shnu.edu.cn)
2. 主要研究方向:
[1] 植物温敏不育的分子机理研究。
[2] 水稻单倍体分子育种研究。
3. 代表性科研项目:
[1] 水稻温敏雄性不育基因TMS11的功能研究,国家自然科学基金(青年项目),2022-2024。(主持)
[2] 基于着丝粒的水稻单倍体分子育种研究,2021-2023。(主持)
4. 代表性论文及著作:
论文( #共同第一作者, *通讯作者):
[1] Wang N, Gent JI, Dawe RK*. 2021. Haploid induction by a maize cenh3 null mutant. SCIENCE ADVANCES. 7(4): eabe2299
[2] Wang N, Dawe RK*. 2018. Centromere size and its relationship to haploid formation in plants. Molecular Plant. 11(3): 398-406.
[3] Chang ZY#, Chen ZF#, Wang N#, Xie G, Lu JW, Yan W, Zhou JL, Tang XY*, Deng XW*. 2016. Construction of a male sterility system for hybrid rice breeding and seed production using a nuclear male sterility gene. PNAS. 113(49): 14145-14150.
[4]Wang N, Liu JN, Ricci WA, Gent JI, Dawe RK*. 2021. Maize centromeric chromatin scales with changes in genome size. Genetics. 217(4):iyab020.
[5]Hufford MB, Seetharam AS, Woodhouse MR, Chougule KM, Ou S, Liu J, Ricci WA, Guo T, Olson A, Qiu Y, Della Coletta R, Tittes S, Hudson AI, Marand AP, Wei S, Lu Z, Wang B, Tello-Ruiz MK, Piri RD, Wang N, Kim DW, Zeng Y, O'Connor CH, Li X, Gilbert AM, Baggs E, Krasileva KV, Portwood JL 2nd, Cannon EKS, Andorf CM, Manchanda N, Snodgrass SJ, Hufnagel DE, Jiang Q, Pedersen S, Syring ML, Kudrna DA, Llaca V, Fengler K, Schmitz RJ, Ross-Ibarra J, Yu J, Gent JI, Hirsch CN, Ware D, Dawe RK*. 2021. De novo assembly, annotation, and comparative analysis of 26 diverse maize genomes. Science. 373(6555):655-662.
[6]Dawe RK*, Lowry EG; Gent JI, Stitzer MC, Swentowsky KW, Higgins DM, Ross-Ibarra J, Wallace JG, Kanizay LB, Alabady M, Qiu WH, Tseng KF, Wang N, Gao Z, Birchler JA, Harkess AE, Hodges AL, Hiatt EN. 2018. A kinesin-14 motor activates neocentromeres to promote meiotic drive in maize. Cell. 173(4):839-850.
[7]Gent JI, Wang N, Dawe RK*. 2017. Stable centromere positioning in diverse sequence contexts of complex centromeres and satellite centromeres in maize and wild relatives. Genome Biology. 18(1):1-11.
[8]Su SH, Xiao W, Guo WX, Yao XR, Xiao JQ, Ye ZQ, Wang N, Jiao KY, Lei MQ, Peng QC, Hu XH, Huang X*, Luo D*. 2017. The CYCLOIDEA-RADIALIS module regulates petal shape and pigmentation, leading to bilateral corolla symmetry in Torenia fournieri (Linderniaceae). New Phytologist. 215(4):1582-1593.
[9]Chang ZY, Chen ZF, Yan W, Xie G, Lu JW, Wang N, Lu QQ, Yao N, Yang GZ, Xia JX, Tang XY*. 2016. An ABC transporter, OsABCG26, is required for anther cuticle and pollen exine formation and pollen-pistil interactions in rice. Plant Science. 253:21-30.
[1]唐晓艳,陈竹峰,谢刚,王娜,卢嘉威,李早霞。一种育性基因及其应用。专利号:ZL 2016101 00307.8.